Registration feesFees included reception, excursion, lunches and coffee break, and the conference dinner (given excluding tax)
Early Bird (Before January 5, 2022) Regular 450 € Student (including PhD) 350 € EMS member, Regular 430€ EMS member, Student 330 €
Late (After January 5, 2022) Regular 550 € Student (including PhD) 450 €
social event (March 14 afternoon), coffe break, welcome reception, lunches and conference dinner are included in the fees To register, go to registration page, not opened yet
EMS awards: The EMS has decided to offer 3 Travel Awards and 3 Young Academics Awards to support the participation of Master, PhD students and Early Career Researchers respectively Support will be provided to cover the conference fee excluding accommodation and meals (when included in the conference fee). Full details on eligibility and how to apply can be found on the EMS website in the Award Section (https://www.emsoc.eu/ems-awards/).